Mary Fest
And it was written:
But Mary kept all these things,
and pondered them in her heart.
In other words,
That will be enough from you, young lady.
Fine thing to do to the Great Mother of the Holy One —
stash her away in a couple of scripture verses
in the hope that her side of the story never gets out
and leave us pondering for these thousands of years
on what exactly was Mary pondering.
What if Mary, Queen of the Heavens,
also known as Miriam, High Priestess of the Waters
also known as Mara, Goddess of the Sea
also known as Gaia, Mother Earth
were to tell her story?
A story of the womb rather than the word —
A story of life and death
in which she is neither silent nor silenced
but the ever constant Co-Creator of the universe.
A story that does not speak of the ponderous
(a word that tumbles out of your brain like a falling rock)
but sings of the wondrous
(a word that leaps out of your soul like a bird in flight)
May is Mary’s month …
the time of the year when her story
seeps through the earth
in soft rains
only to emerge from the earth
in splendiferous spring blossoms …
only to rise from our souls
in gentle but fierce yearnings
for merriment and beauty and one another.
‘Tis the season of Mary Fest
and this is her story …
As it is remembered:
I have been with you always.
I am the Sweet and Tempestuous Waters of Lfe.
I am the Fertile Darkness.
I am the Unfathomable Deep.
I am the Unbounded Stillness.
I am the Ineffable Silence.
I am the Portal to Surrender.
I am the Mystery that beckons.
I am the Beauty that nourishes.
I am the Bountiful that nurtures.
I am the Eternal-Womb of Compassion
that births all Being.
In the beginning, I wrapped my arms around the earth
and my waters seeped through the earth and oozed out of the earth
and covered the face of the earth.
I looked up at the Heavens and knew that I was not alone
and I longed for the vastness just as the Heavens longed for the depths.
In the darkness, we called out to one another
and the Heavens descended as I rose to embrace my companion.
The Heavens arched his back and I cupped my belly
and together we formed a womb
to hold the thousands and thousands of shimmering lights
ignited by the fire of our union.
And we breathed into the lights.
And there was Life.
Each light, a soul.
Each soul, a mystery.
Each mystery, a longing
to return to the embrace of Heaven and Earth.
And that is how you came into being.
I am Gaia, Mother Earth.
I am Mara, Goddess of the Seas.
I am Miriam, High Priestess of the Waters.
I am Mary, Queen of Heaven.
I am there at the womb of all your birthings.
I am there at the cross of all your dyings.
I am there at the tomb of all your risings.
I am with you always.
There are no words to add … simply thank you! So beautiful …