Opening the Chakras
A Meditation
Opening up your sacred energy centers – chakras – and waking up to the Breath that breathes through you is a wonderful way to begin each day.
Chakras (Sanskrit word for “wheel) are spinning vortices that form of column of energy extending from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. The locations of the seven chakras correspond to vital anatomical body functions. Each chakra has a specific color, physical and spiritual energy, and resonance. When the energies of the chakras are blocked, there is a consequent negative impact on mind, body and spirit. Similarly, when the chakra energy is opened and flowing, wellness abides. By opening the chakras, we are able to balance our energies and clear the way for healing and wholeness.
We begin with the Crown Chakra, the place of Divine connection and move down the energy column to the Root Chakra.
Seventh Chakra: Crown: Connection to Divine Presence
Location: Crown of Head
Color: Ivory/Purple
Physical Energy: Cerebral Cortex (memory, attention, perception, thought, language)
Place both your right hand/three middle fingers and left hand/three middle fingers slightly cupped and lightly touching crown of head.
Visualize the deep purple color.
Breathe in the energy of Detachment …Awareness, Consciousness, Enlightenment.
Breathe out the resistant energy of Attachment to thoughts, feelings, people, material things that keep you from your Light and Joy – Enlightenment.
Keep your fingers on the Crown Chakra, breathing and in and out, for 1-2 minutes.
For the remainder of the meditation, please keep your right hand/three middle fingers slightly cupped and touching the Crown Chakra at the crown of your head. Please note that when practicing the meditation this way, it is best to do so lying down so that you can rest your right arm on a pillow or a floor.
You can also simplify the exercise by bringing your attention to each chakra and infusing that chakra with the radiant light of its particular color (see below). If you choose to practice the meditation in this manner, you can do so in any position.
Sixth Chakra: Third Eye: Connection to Intuition
Location: Middle of your forehead above the bridge of your eyebrows
Color: Indigo
Physical Energy: Nervous System
With your right hand on the Crown chakra, place left hand/three middle fingers slightly cupped and lightly touching the spot in the middle of forehead right above the bridge of the eyebrows — the Third Eye.
Visualize the color indigo.
Breathe in the energy of Deep Knowing — of Intuition, Wisdom, Dreams.
Breathe out the resistant energy of Illusions, Ego
Keep your fingers on the Crown Chakra, breathing and in and out, for 1-2 minutes.
Fifth Chakra: Throat: Connection to Truth
Location: Throat
Color: Turqoise
Physical Energy: Throat, Neck, Esophagus, Eyes, Ears, Mouth
With your right hand on the Crown chakra, place left hand /three middle fingers slightly cupped and lightly touching your throat.
Visualize the color turquoise.
Breathe in the energy of Speaking Your Truth … Right Speech, Silence, Listening, Kindness.
Breathe out the resistant energy of Delusions, Deceptions, Harmful Speech.
Keep your fingers on the Crown Chakra, breathing and in and out, for 1-2 minutes.
Fourth Chakra: Heart: Connection to Love and Healing
Location: Middle of Chest
Color: Green
Physical Energy: Heartbeat and Breath (Lungs)
With your right hand on the Crown chakra, place left hand /three middle fingers slightly cupped and lightly touching a spot in the middle of your chest parallel to heart.
Visualize the color green.
Breathe in the energy of Compassion and Forgiveness.
Breathe out the resistant energy of Grief for the ways that you have not loved or been loved; for the open wounds that you have inflicted or received.
Keep your fingers on the Heart Chakra, breathing and in and out, for 1-2 minutes.
Third Chakra: Solar Plexus: Connection to Personal Power
Location: Solar plexus (above the navel)
Color: Yellow
Physical Energy: Upper Intestine, Stomach, Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen
With your right hand on the Crown chakra, place left hand/three middle fingers slightly cupped and lightly touching the middle of your solar plexus.
Visualize the color yellow.
Breathe in the energy of Being the Beloved … of personal Power of Transformation, Relationships, Navigating the World, Risk Taking.
Breathe out the resistant energy of Anger and Shame that is held in this chakra.
Keep your fingers on the Sacral chakra, breathing and in and out, for 1-2 minutes.
Second Chakra: Sacrum: Connection to Creativity
Location: Womb/Pelvis (below the navel)
Color: Orange
Physical Energy: Sexual Organs, Body Fluids (water and blood), Lower Back
With your right hand on the Crown chakra, place left hand/three middle fingers slightly cupped on Sacral Chakra.
Visualize the color orange.
Breathe in the energy of Birthing to Imagination, Creativity, Spontaneity, Sensuality,
Fluidity, Play.
Breathe out the energy of Guilt and Resistance to enjoying creativity, imagination, sensuality.
Keep your fingers on the Sacral chakra, breathing and in and out, for 1-2 minutes.
First Chakra: Root: Connection to Survival
Location: Base of Spine/Lower Pelvis
Color: Red
Physical Energy: Muscular, Skeletal and Immune Systems, Genitalia
With your right hand on the Crown chakra, place left hand/three middle fingers slightly cupped on Root Chakra.
Visualize the color red.
Breathe in the energy of Belonging … Connection to Mother Earth, your tribe,
your ancestors, your center.
Breathe out the resistant energy Fear of not belonging, of being marginalized, off center, off balance.
Keep your fingers on the Root Chakra, breathing and in and out, for 1-2 minutes.
Return to the Crown Chakra and with your right hand/three middle fingers still resting on the crown of your head, gently touch each of the Chakras with your left hand/three middle fingers in ascending order – from Root Chakra to Crown Chakra – breathing in the awakened energy and breathing out the resistant energy of each chakra.
Place both your right hand/three middle fingers and left hand/three middle fingers slightly cupped and lightly touching the Crown Chakra and breathe in and out 3x from the the soles of your feet to the top of your hear becoming aware of the flow of Divine Presence throughout your being.
Move your arms out from your side and make a sweeping arc taking in the energy of your aura – the light that surrounds you.
Slowly come to standing position and lift your arms up ( into the “allueluia” position) in a wide “V” to receive the light of the day.
Bring your hands together over your head in a prayer position and slowly bring your hands down to the center of your chest.
Bow in gratitude with the Hindu blessing, “Namaste” …“The Light in me goes to the Light in you.”